Kandinsky for Kids

This workshop offers young participants(4-15 y.o.) an introduction to abstract art with the Dublin based artist Marc Rocks. The children will explore the artistic process of Wassily Kandinsky with the use of music as inspiration. Thus we will experiment with shape, colour and line all whilst listening to music, have fun creating artwork individually and collaboratively. 
Workshop Structure: 
- A brief description of Kandinsky as well as an introduction to abstract art, thus making participants comfortable with the style. 
- Supplement students with pictures of artist's work. Ask children what they notice in work? Take into account the colour, shape, size placement and anything else they see. 
- Play a dramatic symphony (well-known) and paint lines in correlation with the music. 
- Give an example by showing children a way to combine art and music, thus creating abstract art. 
- Have students create their own artwork whilst listening to music. 
- Collaborative artwork whereby all the students combine to create one artwork. 
- Arranging all the work at the end to form a large-scale piece.